May 7, 2013

RIP Ray Harryhausen

RIP to my favorite filmmaker, Ray Harryhausen (June 29, 1920 – May 7, 2013). This cinematic legend was known for his pioneering use of stop-motion animation he dubbed, "Dynamation.". He brought a number of ancient tales to life in classic films like my personal favorites, Clash of the Titans, the 7th Voyage of Sinbad, and Jason and the Argonauts.

Ray Harryhausen's spanning career influenced film makers such as Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Peter Jackson, George Lucas and John Landis. In a full statement released by the family, George Lucas said, "Without Ray Harryhausen, there would likely have been no Star Wars".

As a child, I remember seeing Clash of the Titans for the very first time. It was on network TV one rainy afternoon and I remember the amazement and fear I felt when I saw Calibos snarl on screen. These films brought mythology to life and helped solidify my love of classics by instilling a sense of wonder and imagination that live in my heart to this day.

No matter what technologically advanced special effects films may use today, or in the future, nothing can compare to the beauty, art, and craftsmanship of Ray Harryhausen. He will be missed.

Here is a link to the The Ray & Diana Harryhausen Foundation.

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